On this week’s episode of Humanize Your Workplace, we’re going to chat about expressing emotions at work.  We break down how my daughter’s experience taking the PSSA got me thinking about how everyone tends to express their emotions differently (if at all).

We’re not always communicating how nervous or scared we are for fear that we might be considered weak or “less than.”  But if we don’t address these emotions and asks, we might not be able to complete our work to the best of our ability.

This week:

  • Think about the projects you have on your plate and what you might be scared out
  • Identify what information or resources would be helpful to make you less nervous or scared
  • Reach out to your supervisor to have a conversation to address these issues
  • If you’re assigning projects, be clear about what you’re looking for in terms of the final project, touch points, how to reach you or someone else for support

To listen to this week’s episode, head over to Google PodcastsSpotify, Apple Podcasts, or Stitcher, check it out below.


Alissa Carpenter
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