Get the Facts on Engagement

Engagement Statistics

In 2016, only 32.6% of employees considered themselves “engaged” in their work. This lack of engagement costs us $30.5 billion annually in lost productivity.

What are you doing to ensure that your company doesn’t fall into the trap of disengagement? One key way to combat potential turnover and increase productivity is through professional development. The majority (87%) of employees say that professional development is “very important” to them and engaged Millennials are 64% less likely to switch jobs.

According to Gallup, people who use their strengths every day are three times more likely to report having an excellent quality of life, six times more likely to be engaged at work, 8% more productive and 15% less likely to quit their jobs.

Here are only a few stats to speak to the power of engaging your alumni beyond the annual fund solicitations and Alumni Weekend.

  • 96% of Millennials want to be actively courted by organizations
  • 96% of students and recent alumni expect value from their favorite places of business
  • 75% of alumni members do not renew their dues because of lack of engagement, lack of ROI, and lack of perceived value

Contact Alissa Carpenter to discover how we can help you get more bang for your buck!