by Alissa Carpenter | All Posts, Leveraging Your Strengths, Managing Professional Relationships
Years ago when people would mention the need for an elevator pitch I would laugh. I mean how often was I going to be in a situation where I needed to explain what I did in 30 seconds? Now my much older self-wishes I came up with one sooner because I use it… ALL OF...
by Alissa Carpenter | All Posts
Are you in a job right now that you can’t stand but don’t have the means to leave? We’ve all been there! I’m all about finding a new career that’s a better fit, and you can read all about that here but this change doesn’t happen overnight. Bills still have to get...
by Alissa Carpenter | All Posts
You’ve had your interviews and now have an offer or multiple offers are on the table and are a combination of excited and “what do I do now?” I’ve been there! Even if you don’t have more than one offer it’s hard to decide if you should take this one for fear that...
by Alissa Carpenter | All Posts, Managing Professional Relationships
No one likes being told the hard work they put in stinks! Like, really stinks! You know that project you spent a million hours on both at work and at home just to get a “that’s not exactly what I was looking for” message from your boss. Most people don’t like being...
by Alissa Carpenter | All Posts, Productivity and Time Management
If you’re in the large majority, you’re in the frame of mind that Monday’s kind of suck. Believe me, I completely get it. After a weekend, I want nothing more than one more day. A day to relax, get more done, spend time with friends but being an adult means I can’t...
by Alissa Carpenter | All Posts, Leveraging Your Strengths
As you know, I’m a huge believer in using your strengths as they help you reach your goals faster, smarter and more efficiently. Even though I’m all about focusing on what we are good at, I’m not oblivious to the fact that we have weaknesses. We do-it’s just a...