3 Ways to increase engagement as a manager

Did you know that 81% of Millennials will not trust you unless you build a relationship (Source: Pew Research)?  This is not only important to engagement, but to actually recruit employees. 

increase millennial engagement

This lack of trust is more than any other generation in the workforce.  So how can we gain the trust from our employees?

Get to know your employees.  Walk around the office and have conversations with your team. Check out their desk and see what pictures they have displayed and them questions based on what you see.  “Did you get a new dog? What’s their name?” “What grade are your kids in now?”

Ask “What do you need from me?”  This simple phrase opens up the conversation for your employees to ask about professional development and support they may not have had the opportunity to ask about before.

Ask for feedback.  We often give feedback to our employees but don’t ask for it ourselves.  Ask “what can I be doing better in my role to support you and our team?”


increase employee engagement



Alissa Carpenter
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