Morning rituals can truly set the tone for the rest of the day. I know what you’re thinking-I’m not a morning person. I’m totally with you my friend-I’m not really either. But we have to get up some time to start the day and how we start it can define the outlook we have. So, here we go friends my top 10 morning rituals to guarantee a positive day.



Wake up on time

Hitting the snooze button only works if you’re still getting up on time. It’s the worst to rush around in the morning feeling like you forgot something on the way out the door.

Display a positive quote

Find that quote or saying that you love and put it in a place you can see it first thing in the morning. Above your bed, on the bathroom mirror or a daily notification on your phone!

Set one goal for the day.

What’s the one thing you want to get done today? Have your goal? Great now do it!

Find your playlist.

Pump up the jams on your way to work in the morning. Something that will motivate you and put you in a good mood.

Get everything ready the night before.

Lay out your clothes, lunch and work bag the night before so you aren’t scrambling to find everything when you are half awake.

Eat breakfast.

If you don’t have time before you leave the house, have something nutritious on the way to work. Find the breakfast bar or shake you love and stick with it.

Spend 5 minutes alone.

My kids are always up before the sun rises but I can usually squeeze in 5 minutes. Spend this time gathering your thoughts so you’re ready to conquer the day.

Make a plan.

You already set your goal for the day so make a quick plan to make it happen. These things don’t need to be huge but having a direction for your day is really helpful.

Smile and laugh.

Even if you’re just smiling and laughing to yourself in the mirror-make it happen! A smile can make a world of difference.


This doesn’t need to be a 10 mile run before 6am but it should be something that gets your body moving. Do a few push ups or run up and down the stairs. Get that blood pumping!


Alissa Carpenter
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